Our Team


Board of Trustees is the supreme authority of the CSCOV which is consisted with 4 members. Board of Trustees brings any amendment in the organizational structure. Board of Trustees confirms the yearly organizational activities and accounts. The executive Director appoints a team of 5 members as the Senior Management Team (SMT).This team is made up of the Coordinators and managers. The SMT is responsible and accountable to Board of Trustees for its work and organizational management. This is the body accountable for effective smooth functioning of the organizational activities. The Executive Director is the head of the SMT and she performs the management functions and guides the staff members as assigned by the Board of Trustees. Staff works under the direct supervision of the coordinators or managers. The project in charge and officers works under the supervision of Program Manager. Project Coordinators and in charge lead the projects in consultation with the Executive Director. In Coordination meeting the Executive Director preside over the meeting and take all the important decisions in a participatory manner.

Profiles of Key Staff Members

Grace John Kenyi Geri

Founder and Executive Director

Grace John Kenyi Geri is a feminist and Peace Activist born in Juba, South Sudan. Grace serves as the executive director for the CSCOV-South Sudan. She provides leadership in program management, fundraising, advocacy and staff capacity strengthening. She has worked for Community Empowerment for Progress Organization (CEPO) as an advocacy and Lobby officer from 2014-2015 and as Governance and Peace Building Manager from 2015-2019. She led a civil society campaign on inclusion of civil society in UN Peacekeeping Mission (UNMISS mandate) in South Sudan and has effectively influenced the renewal of the UNMISS mandate since 2015
Grace John has participated in numerous national, regional and international women campaigns and lobby events. She is a progressive, influential and outspoken feminist in conflict situations, with over 8years experiences of working with communities in violent armed conflict on issues of human rights, conflict resolution, UNSCR 1325/South Sudan NAP, peacebuilding, UNSCR 1889&1820, governance, security sector reform, sexual gender-based violence, Conflict related sexual violence and gender equality. 18th September 2018, Grace Briefed the United Nation Security Council on the South Sudan Peace Process and Women’s Participation. She holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Diplomatic Studies from the University of Juba, Centre for Peace and Development Studies; and a degree in Rural Development from the school of Community Studies and Rural University of Juba

Serana Dominic

Program Coordinator

Serana Dominic is a South Sudanese community Activist with a background on teaching. Serina studied Agricultural science at the Catholic University of South Sudan. Serina’s role is to provide leadership in coordination of CSCOV programs and works closing with the Executive Director towards realization of CSCOV vision. Serina is a basketball player and her hobbies includes reading and Writing.

Acu Elizabeth Thomas

Gender and Protection Officer

Acu is a gender and protection specialist with experience in training, development and management of gender and protection issues. Her work experience within South Sudan settings has developed in her dedication, commitment and self-motivation to working in a fragile context. Acu’s work with both National and International Organizations has made her develop skills, abilities and competencies of handling Gender and Protection issues. Acu Loves Music.