We rise by lifting others

We believe that Civil Society action is a criterion for good governance especially when it empowers communities and makes them catalysts for their own change


CSCOV Background

Center for Strengthening Community Voices (CSCOV) is a Women led civil society organization established in 2017 and officially registered on 18th Dec 2019 by the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission. CSCOV aims at creating space and increasing the role of local communities especially women to participate in key decision-making processes and democratic discourse at local, national, regional and international level. It also aims at bringing community voices forward, particularly women voices by empowering community structures to gain control over their own future. If civic dialogue exists between citizens and their state institutions, accountability, socio-political and economic freedoms are easily realized.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create an enabling space or platform where communities especially women are able to participate in decision-making process and that, their strong voices create responsive democratic institutions that promote social, economic and political freedoms for all

Our Vision

We seek a democratic society where government institutions are responsive to the needs of communities especially the needs of women and girls

Our Core Values

  • Transparency and Accountability

  • Respect for the rights of Women and Children

  • Justice and equality

  • Respect for diversities

  • Active non-violence


Board of Trustees is the supreme authority of the CSCOV which is consisted with 4 members. Board of Trustees brings any amendment in the organizational structure. Board of Trustees confirms the yearly organizational activities and accounts. The executive Director appoints a team of 5 members as the Senior Management Team (SMT).This team is made up of the Coordinators and managers. The SMT is responsible and accountable to Board of Trustees for its work and organizational management. This is the body accountable for effective smooth functioning of the organizational activities. The Executive Director is the head of the SMT and she performs the management functions and guides the staff members as assigned by the Board of Trustees. Staff works under the direct supervision of the coordinators or managers. The project in charge and officers works under the supervision of Board Program Manager. Project Coordinators and in charge lead the projects in consultation with the Executive Director. In Coordination meeting the Executive Director preside over the meeting and take all the important decisions in a participatory manner

Partner Organizations/Collaborators

In line with its core values, CSCOV recognizes that the needs of the community especially women are enormous and cannot be handled and managed by a single NGO. As a local NGO we embrace the efforts of any humanitarian organizations, UN agencies, Embassies and partners with them in service delivery. International and National Organization, Ministry of gender and social welfare and any other partner who are like minded and willing to partner with CSCOV